Sorting of Spent Electric Vehicle Batteries for Second Life Application

M. Muhammad, P. S. Attidekou, M. Ahmeid, Z. Milojevic, S. Lambert

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Electric vehicles (EV) typically have around 80% of their initial capacity at the end of the battery life. It is widely anticipated that these EV batteries will retain significant capacity remaining and potentially operate for additional years in their second life. Finding ways to repurpose the batteries in home, industrial and grid-scale energy storage system (ESS) is becoming more urgent. Establishing or verifying battery performance in comparison to these targets is a principal objective. Non-availability of onboard diagnostics data and accurate assessments of the automotive and second use battery degradation stand out in particular. This paper characterises the energy and power density of a cell using a hybrid pulse power characterisation (HPPC) test. Experimental results from five randomly selected cells from disassemble Nissan leaf pack that reach end of life (EoL) shows that all the cells satisfied the ESS performance targets of electric vehicle (EV) of 700 W/Kg, 300 W/Kg during discharge/regen respectively. The paper further proposes the used of HPPC micro cycle based on offline data for feature extraction to distinguish between power and energy density of the cell in 80 s, which is significantly quicker.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 2019 the 7th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering, SEGE 2019
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9781728124407
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2019

Publication series

NameProceedings of 2019 the 7th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering, SEGE 2019
ISSN (Print)2575-2677
ISSN (Electronic)2575-2693


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