Systematic development and feasibility testing of a multibehavioural digital prehabilitation intervention for patients approaching major surgery (iPREPWELL): A study protocol

James Durrand, Rebecca Livingston, Garry Tew, Chelsia Gillis, David Yates, Joanne Gray, Colin Greaves, John Moore, Alasdair O'Doherty, Patrick Doherty, Gerard Danjoux, Leah Avery

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Improving outcomes for people undergoing major surgery, specifically reducing perioperative morbidity and mortality remains a global health challenge. Prehabilitation involves the active preparation of patients prior to surgery, including support to tackle risk behaviours that mediate and undermine physical and mental health and wellbeing. The majority of prehabilitation interventions are delivered in person, however many patients express a preference for remotely-delivered interventions that provide them with tailored support and the flexibility. Digital prehabilitation interventions offer scalability and have the potential to benefit perioperative healthcare systems, however there is a lack of robustly developed and evaluated digital programmes for use in routine clinical care.
We aim to systematically develop and test the feasibility of an evidence and theory-informed multibehavioural digital prehabilitation intervention ‘iPREPWELL’ designed to prepare patients for major surgery. The intervention will be developed with reference to the Behaviour Change Wheel, COM-B model, and the Theoretical Domains Framework. Codesign methodology will be used to develop a patient intervention and accompanying training intervention for healthcare professionals. Training will be designed to enable healthcare professionals to promote, support and facilitate delivery of the intervention as part of routine clinical care. Patients preparing for major surgery and healthcare professionals involved with their clinical care from two UK National Health Service centres will be recruited to stage 1 (systematic development) and stage 2 (feasibility testing of the intervention). Participants recruited at stage 1 will be asked to complete a COM-B questionnaire and to take part in a qualitative interview study and co-design workshops. Participants recruited at stage 2 (up to twenty healthcare professionals and forty participants) will be asked to take part in a single group intervention study where the primary outcomes will include feasibility, acceptability, and fidelity of intervention delivery, receipt, and enactment. Healthcare professionals will be trained to promote and support use of the intervention by patients, and the training intervention will be evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. The multifaceted and systematically developed intervention will be the first of its kind and will provide a foundation for further refinement prior to formal efficacy testing
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages20
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 27 Dec 2022


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