The changes of intergovernmental collaboration dynamic in post-disaster destination management: Network analysis

Meiling Wu, Xing Gao, Mengqiu Cao, Enrica Papa, Xiaoxian Zhu

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    Employing network analysis, this study explores the changing dynamics ofintergovernmental collaboration throughout the whole process of post-disasterdestination management. Jiuzhaigou National Park after the Jiuzhaigou earthquakeforms the subject of the case study. Our empirical analysis indicates the followingfindings: first, intergovernmental collaboration is developed both hierarchically andhorizontally at the emergency, intermediate and long-term recovery stages of post-disaster destination management, but it is largely dominated by hierarchicalinteractions; second, local government increasingly acts as a lubricant role infacilitating the functioning of intergovernmental collaboration during the whole processof post-disaster destination management. These findings contribute to greater insightsinto the changes of intergovernmental collaboration dynamic in comprehensive post-disaster destination management. This study also provides implications forgovernments and tourism destinations to improve intergovernmental collaboration formore effective destination management in the context of post-disaster
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 20 May 2021


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