The Mobile Device: A New Folk Instrument?

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Barbara Ballard's ‘Carry Principle’ defines the core elements of the mobile experience: small, personal, communicative, multifunctional, battery operated and always connected (Ballard 2007: 71). These qualities have ensured that for many of us some form of mobile device has become indispensable. Developments in mobile computing have meant that consumer devices are capable of increasingly sophisticated sound processing, leading to the emergence of new forms of mobile music. If this music is looked on as a new sub-genre of folk music, we might be able to put it in the context of live electronic music-making. With this in mind, this article will ask whether the mobile device has the potential to be considered a new folk instrument.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)299-305
JournalOrganised Sound
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2013


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