The prevalence of sarcopenia in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders- a systematic review

Ashley Hart, Laura Cordova-Rivera, Fred Barker, Avan A. Sayer, Antoneta Granic, Alison J. Yarnall

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of sarcopenia (reduced skeletal muscle strength and mass), Parkinson's disease (PD) and Parkinson's related disorders (PRD) all increase with age. They also share risk factors and pathogenetic features. An increased prevalence of sarcopenia in PD and PRD than the general population was thus postulated.

METHODS: Four databases were searched using predefined literature search strategies. Studies conducted in participants with PD or PRD reporting the prevalence of sarcopenia and those providing data to compute the prevalence were included. Pre-sarcopenia, probable/possible sarcopenia and confirmed sarcopenia were defined according to the main sarcopenia working groups. Risk of bias was assessed using the AXIS tool.

RESULTS: 1978 studies were identified; 97 assessed in full; 14 met inclusion criteria. The median study quality score was 15/20. The range of probable sarcopenia was 23.9 to 66.7%, and it did not change after excluding PRD participants. The prevalence of confirmed sarcopenia in participants with any parkinsonian disorder ranged from 2 to 31.4%. Including just PD participants, the range was 10.9 to 31.4%. In studies with controls, sarcopenia was more prevalent in PD and PRD. There was a positive non-significant trend between severity of motor symptoms and prevalence of sarcopenia or components of sarcopenia. High heterogeneity precluded meta-analysis, therefore there was insufficient evidence to conclude whether sarcopenia is more prevalent in PD or PRD.

CONCLUSIONS: Probable and confirmed sarcopenia are common in PD and PRD and they may be associated with disease severity. This co-occurrence supports the value of screening for sarcopenia in parkinsonian populations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4205-4217
Number of pages13
JournalNeurological Sciences
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 18 Aug 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s).


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