The Solicitation of the Trap: On Transcendence and Transcendental Materialism in Advanced Consumer-Capitalism

Steve Hall

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    This article argues that a transcendental materialist conception of subjectivity can move us beyond the orthodox idealist theories that dominate progressive thought in advanced consumer-capitalism. This position can shed new light on current forms of subjectivity that seem to prefer life in consumer culture's surrogate social world rather than active participation in cultural and political resistance and transformation, which requires far more than simply 'transcending the norm'. The rebirth of creative political subjectivity is impossible unless the subject is prepared to risk a traumatic encounter with the Real, the fundamental indeterminacy that exists not in the ideal-symbolic but the material realm, and prepared to reject liberal-postmodernist identity politics to participate in the construction of a coherent alternative ideology.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)365-381
    JournalHuman Studies
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2012


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