There Always Gonna Be Queens on The Rag: Madonna and Queer Intertextuality

Sarah Perks, Andy Willis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter charts the multifaceted relationship between Madonna and cultural studies, extending current theories on appropriation and adaptation to reconsider her relationship to gay and queer culture. From textual readings to audience reception, her complexity in terms of resistance, activism and transgression offers new insight into strategies around relational engagement. With a focus on Truth or Dare (1991, dir. Alek Keshishian), alongside music videos such as ballroom culture tribute Vogue (1990, dir. David Fincher) and Deeper and Deeper (1992, dir. Bobby Woods) - Madonna’s screen presence aligns herself with New York City subcultures, East Village aesthetics and the AIDS epidemic.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPop Stars on Film
Subtitle of host publicationPopular Culture in a Global Market
EditorsKirsty Fairclough, Jason Wood
ISBN (Print)9781501372513
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2023


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