To adopt or not to adopt? The determinants of cloud computing adoption in information technology sector

Arooj Hassan, Sabeen Bhatti, Sobia Shujaat, Yujong Hwang

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This research is mainly focused on the adoption of cloud computing in the information technology (IT) industry of a developing country, Pakistan by using the theoretical lens of technology acceptance model (TAM) and Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). Cloud computing, being one of the latest technologies in the field of IT, has been recently adopted by organizations around the globe, although developing nations have recently started using this technology in their supply chain processes. This study involved the employees of IT industry working in the capital city of Pakistan, i.e. Islamabad. Sample respondents consisted of 213 employees of the IT based organization. Data was collected online by employing structured questionnaires based on past literature. The results revealed that there exists a positive and significant relationship between perceived security, argument advantage, source credibility and perceived usefulness. Additionally, the outcome of the study supported the significant relationships between perceived usefulness and attitude towards adoption of cloud computing, perceived usefulness and intention to adopt cloud computing, and attitude towards cloud computing and intention to adopt cloud computing. The research study has managerial and practical implications. It is one of first of its kind that explores some of the factors leading to adoption of cloud computing in of IT companies in Pakistan.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100138
JournalDecision Analytics
Early online date21 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022

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© 2022 The Author(s)


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