Towards 6G wireless communication for sustainable smart cities: Applications, potential and future research directions

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Recently, development of current city systems keeping in view the increase in urbanization, needs to be carried out keeping in view the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 such as green communication, renewable energy, sustainable cities and communities, climate change, reduced environmental emissions, energy harvesting etc. Hence, Sustainable Smart Cities have come out as a major initiative to provide better living experiences to their residents. This special issue explores the different domains of SMART CITY through the deployment of different emerging technologies such as the 5G/6G and Beyond, Internet of Things (IoT), digitalization, cloud Computing, autonomous
systems, big data analytics, augmented reality, virtual reality, digital twinning, data security, simulation, 3D printing etc. for a sustainable future. Smart services based on the Internet of Everything (IoE) are gaining considerable popularity due to the ever-increasing demands of wireless networks. Despite, 5G networks has immense potential to support numerous IoE based services, it is not adequate to meet the complete requirements of the new smart applications for sustainablesmart cities. Therefore, there is an increased demand for envisioning the 6G wireless communicationsystems to overcome the major limitations in the existing 5G networks for Sustainable Smart Cities. Therefore, this talk by Dr Geetika Aggarwal, will explore the different domains, applications, potential and future research directions of 6G in context to sustainable smart cities.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2023
EventSustainability Research eConference 2023 (Edition2) - Online
Duration: 27 Nov 202328 Nov 2023


ConferenceSustainability Research eConference 2023 (Edition2)
Abbreviated titleSustainResEcon2023e2
Internet address


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