Uniting Green Criminology and Earth Jurisprudence

Jack Lampkin

Research output: Book/ReportBook


As planet Earth continues to absorb unprecedented levels of anthropogenically-induced environmental and climatic change, two similar academic schools of thought have emerged in recent years, both making sustained efforts to explain how and why this state of affairs has evolved. These two disciplines are known as green criminology and earth jurisprudence. Whilst these areas of study can be seen as sub-disciplines of their parent subjects law and criminology, this book proposes that much can be achieved by authors uniting and collaborating on their academic work. By doing this it is argued that green criminology stands to benefit from a discipline that places mother nature at the heart of law-making and therefore providing a solution to the environmental harms identified by green criminologists. Furthermore, earth jurisprudence will profit from utilising the breadth of academic work produced within the green criminology academic arena. Therefore, this book seeks to unite green criminology and earth jurisprudence in an effort to find solutions to the extraordinary environmental problems that the world now faces.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOxon
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 Sept 2020

Publication series

NameRoutledge Focus Series


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