Using Augmented Reality to Engage Students in Their Learning

Alison Johnson, Denise Turner, Liz Jolly

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The project initiated towards the end of 2013 and developed during 2014 – a collaboration between the Library and the School of Computing – set out to design an interactive user guide for university students that incorporates the design principles of augmented reality and gamification. Gamification has been used to some success in HE libraries in the UK, e.g. the Lemon Tree project at Huddersfield and the Teesside project builds on that evidence base and experience; but also brings into play augmented reality tools to develop a truly interactive and immersive experience. If we could get library users engaged from the outset there is more opportunity to influence their learning over the duration of their academic career with us.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2014
EventRAISE Conference 2014 - Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 Nov 20141 Nov 2014


ConferenceRAISE Conference 2014
Abbreviated titleRAISE14
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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