UV–Vis spectroscopy in non-destructive testing

Khalisanni Khalid, Ruzaina Binti Ishak, Zaira Zaman Chowdhury

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Non-destructive testing (NDT) is an analysis technique used by industry
to evaluate the properties of a material, component, structure, or system
for characteristic differences or defects without causing damage to the
original matrix. In this chapter, UVVis spectroscopy or spectrophotometry (UVVis) as an NDT tool is well described. As its name implies,
UVVis quantifies the properties of samples in the UVVis wavelength
ranges of light (typically 190900/1100 nm) without destroying the
matrix. Specifically, UVVis visible spectroscopy determines how much
light of a given wavelength passes through a sample, and how much is
absorbed. Such information can be diagnostic of molecular identity, concentration, structure, or activity, whether of organic species such as porphyrins, benzenes, and naphthalenes or of biomolecules like nucleic acids
and proteins. Spectrophotometers can scan either fixed (i.e., predefined)
or variable wavelengths, and come in both single- and double-beam configurations. Its simple operating system and robustness have enthralled the
attention of users. Thus this technology is widely used in various applications especially in the environment, pharmaceutical, and agriculture. In
this chapter, the principle, significant applications, and future potential of
UVVis spectroscopy as an NDT tool will be well described
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNon-Destructive Material Characterization Methods
EditorsAkira Otsuki, Seiko Jose, Manasa Mohan, Sabu Thomas
ISBN (Electronic)9780323984782
ISBN (Print)9780323911504
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jan 2024


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