Validation of the integrative model of adjustment to chronic conditions: applicability to adult-onset epilepsy

Lis Hammond, Alexander Farrington, Stephanie Kilinc

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Adapting to life with adult-onset epilepsy is a challenge and there is a need for better interventions to support people, who have difficulty with psychosocial adjustment to the condition. The integrative model of adjustment to chronic conditions (IMACC) was developed for type 2 diabetes. This study aimed to demonstrate the applicability of the model to adult-onset epilepsy and thus make an original contribution to the development of relevant interventions. Qualitative data from a previous phenomenological study on the experience of adult-onset epilepsy were mapped onto IMACC using framework analysis. Ten out of the original 39 datasets were selected. All ten datasets were from females diagnosed with epilepsy within five years before participation in the original study. The results demonstrated applicability of IMACC after minor revisions to the model. These findings support further development of IMACC for use as a clinical intervention for people with adult-onset epilepsy.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
JournalHealth Psychology Open
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2019


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