Virtual Football Violence: Exploring the Resurgence of Football’s Deviant Leisure Cultures in England

Argyro Elisavet Manoli, Kevin Dixon, John Hie, Aimee Middleton, Nicola Hague

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper examines the resurgence of deviant leisure cultures in football, with a focus on virtual football violence. Despite advancements in curbing violence in UK football stadiums, new challenges emerge online. By analysing social media discourse from three English Premier League matches in 2022, the study reveals the prevalence of several forms of virtual violence, including threats of physical and sexual violence, emotional violence, and discriminatory violence. The research highlights the resurgence of 'traditional' norms of masculinity, aggression, and misogyny facilitated by anonymity in online spaces. Paradoxically, the results show that fans engage in derogatory language while simultaneously condemning similar actions by others. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the category of discriminatory violence, where comments are frequently challenged, indicating a 'raising of consciousness' and a growing intolerance to certain forms of discriminatory language. However, despite some evidence of social consciousness and pushback against discriminatory language, the prevalence of virtual violence remains concerning on multiple levels. This underscores the need for continued efforts to promote respectful discourse and foster inclusive environments online.
Original languageEnglish
JournalLeisure Studies
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2024


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