WECreate Spaces -In Betweeness

Robert Burton (Designer), Heike Salzer (Performer), Ana Baer (Producer), Michelle Nance (Performer), Rocio Luna (Performer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


Developing ideas instigated in the conceptual garments for performance in the WE Create Spaces: London screen dance work in WECreate Spaces the artists explore the local as a collective, zooming into the in-betweenness of urban landscapes and producing space in a re-imagined form. Through observant moments, when strolling through the cities and viscerally listening to the atmospheres of the places, the dancers, the camera and edit generate a collaborative knowledge that illustrates how the artists connect to their inner sources of understanding the world through the body. This imaginative attention captures the rhythm of places and navigates between the dichotomy of specificity vs the generic urban scene. Inventively transforming the usual into extraordinary, seeing with new eyes and inhabiting each location fully. The works explore the textural responses to place recalling the identities of the human and non-human qualities that develop the essence of place. The textile and garment works attempt to capture the ghosts and trace reimagining the urban visceral atmospheres of these spaces and those that inhabit them. The footage was collated over two years filmed in Limerick, Ireland; London, United Kingdom; Morelia, Mexico, 2018-2019. The work was a collaboration between directors, Ana Baer & Heike Salzer, dancers, Rocio Luna, Michelle Nance, Heike Salzer, costume designer Robert Burton with original music by Joaquin Lopez Chas. The work was awarded the winner of the January 2020 video of the month in Dance magazine and was awarded the best experimental film and best sound design at the Frostbite film festival 2020.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


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