An investigation into enhancing service delivery in the hospitality sector through information and communications technologies (icts): a multiple case study of nigerian small and medium sized enterprise (sme) restaurants.

  • Chinyereugo Ukadike

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The advancement of ICT has initiated new possibilities in business, particularly in the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry has been revolutionised by the emergence of online technologies. The use of smart technologies and smartphones has greatly helped in the implementation of modern-day hospitality services (Kansakar et al., 2019). It is reported that food delivery using online systems not only provides convenient and fast services but also facilitates the ordering of restaurant services online (Gunawan, 2022). Therefore, there is a need to use ICT to improve the service and delivery of restaurant services. However, technology and its implementation in the hospitality industry are still in their infancy in Nigeria. While the restaurant sector is an integral section of the hospitality activity, the quality of service influences the general performance of the hospitality sector as client satisfaction is assessed either progressively or adversely. Therefore, the principal aim of this study is to develop an insight into the implementation of ICT in service delivery in SME restaurants and in order to achieve the purpose stated, the thesis espouses the inductive approach employing a case study strategy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with samples of two SME businesses in Lagos, Nigeria. The data gathered were analysed using a thematic analysis context. Results showed that service delivery in the hospitality sector entails quality service, communication skills, strategic planning, and service industry benefits. ICT is perceived to improve the efficiency of technology. The findings of the study revealed the significant impact of successful ICT implementation in the hospitality sector and its functionality was evaluated to determine the implementation framework to apply within the organisations from the post-implementation insight. The fundamental ICT implementation issues faced by SME restaurants for effective service delivery were identified including lack of infrastructural facilities, poor access to finance, governmental policy, and high cost of operations. Based on the findings, it may be concluded that there is a need to develop a conceptual framework for improving specific elements of regulatory institutions and innovation systems since these institutional elements have a profound impact on the operations and innovation performance of SME restaurants in Nigeria.
Date of Award1 Aug 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Teesside University
SupervisorKevin Ions (Supervisor) & Catherine McCauley-Smith (Supervisor)

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